Captivate Research


Long Pneumonia or Post-Pneumonia

You may have heard of Long COVID, well there is also what could be called “Long Pneumonia” or

  • Pneumonia survivors often go on to suffer chronic problems with their lungs (shortness of
    breath), heart (chest pain, shortness of breath) and kidneys (need for dialysis).
  • Post-pneumonia may also cause brain fog, long term shortness of breath, and fatigue.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Post-pneumonia diagnosed?

By review of symptoms, X-rays and testing of blood and urine.

What are we doing to study Post-Pneumonia?
  • Patients are being studied, followed, and treated for symptoms.
  • Underlying conditions are treated.
What is the treatment?

The treatment is for the symptoms and research goes on to discover better treatments of the cause of Long Pneumonia.

How do I know if I have Long Pneumonia?

In general, if you have symptoms that persist for more than 2 to 3 months after the onset of pneumonia, and if these symptoms are new, and not due to an underlying condition, then you may have Long Pneumonia. Examples of persistent symptoms after pneumonia to watch for include fatigue, persistent cough, shortness of breath, depression, memory problems, and chest pain.

Case Study

How long does it take to recover? / How do I improve chances of recovery?

"An 82-year-old man developed sudden onset of confusion and disorientation. His wife thinks he has had a stroke, calls the ambulance, and he is taken to hospital. After examining him and doing tests, such as x-rays and blood tests, it turns out that he does not have a stroke; he actually has pneumonia that has caused confusion and disorientation. He is treated with oxygen and antibiotics on the ward of the hospital, but remains confused and disoriented for the first week. After two weeks in hospital, he recovers and goes home. However, after hospitalization, he has problems with memory and shortness of breath during exercise for one year. He eventually recovers and is able to pursue his daily activities. Why did he get so sick after pneumonia? These problems can be more common in older individuals, in people with underlying conditions such as heart, lung, kidney disease and diabetes, and for other reasons that are not clear. The diagnosis and treatment of Long Pneumonia is an active area of research."